– Era una daga Bolgdar, de eso no tengo duda, cualquiera reconocería el arma de los sicarios stygios. La sostenía con admiración el mismo muchacho que aseguraba haberla encontrado en un callejón de las afueras. Era poco probable que un hassashin de ese nivel hubiera perdido su arma, no hablábamos de un advenedizo de Argos o Zamora. Este era un tema serio… pero no lo vimos venir. No pudimos hacer nada.
Guijeld de Jula, ante el Sumo Interrogador Degarius. |
– It was a Bolgdar dagger, I have no doubt, anyone would recognize the weapon of the Stygian assassins. It was held with admiration by the same boy who claimed to have found it, in an isolated alley. It was very unlikely that a hassashin of that level had lost his weapon, we were not talking about an upstart from Argos or Zamora. This was a serious warning… but we didn’t see it coming. We could not do anything. Guijeld of Jula, standing before the High Interrogator Degarius. |